Meet Stephanie Clark


Get to Know Her Primary Identity as... Safety Steph!

Meet the General Manager of Lechner First Aid Supply, Stephanie Clark! While she has only worked here for 8 months, Clark has navigated work zestfully, making it clear that healthcare is in the right star alignment with her destiny. So much so, that Stephanie believes she would most likely be reincarnated into some type of care service role…

“I was allowed one time to suit up in a full fire suit! I got to train and see what our first responders go through and that was very memorable. When I do come back in my next life, I will either be a firefighter, an ENT, or someone in this medical profession.”

Putting future lives aside, her destination to the first aid world may have been unplanned, but promoting longevity to others has been unceasingly focal! Stephanie began as an administrative assistant at a healthcare manufacturing facility, where she found a life-long passion in servicing people by offering first aid CPR, & AED training.

While reminiscing on her career beginnings, she discussed the fortunate chance of meeting Lechner's President.

“Lechner gave me the opportunity to be here. Timing is everything. When I met Brian Lechner, the owner, it was a time in my life where I really wanted to evaluate where I wanted to be. How can I still be in this industry and make an impact? He and the company have given me the chance to do what I love. I’m forever grateful! This is the place where we make our mark and where people will get their first aid and be safe.”

Her incentive speaks volumes even when she’s with her coworkers! She knows how to brighten any room, with her lively jokes and periodic dancing to boost morale!

“Everyday at Lechner is fun! Anytime we can talk CPR, AEDs, and band-aids is my jam! It makes my day!”

08.24 - safety is my jam

At home, Stephanie makes it a point to inform her loved ones of the importance of first aid and safety. Even when she’s on the sidelines at her kid’s sports games, Clark is bound to be competing against injuries! 

“My kids allow me to be Safety Steph when they play baseball, football, volleyball, and lacrosse. I’m their fan! I even have a bit of a safety tradition with my kids. Whoever spots the AED first gets a dollar. Not only is it a fun game, it gives me peace of mind that we can form safe habits together."

One of Stephanie's most passionate takes is that strangers, neighbors, and coworkers are all considered first responders. She spoke of confidence as being a pillar to forming the right first aid conscience.

“We’re the first people on site. It’s important for everyone to be trained, or to at least have the confidence! If you’re scared of blood or don’t know what to do if someone has a sudden cardiac arrest, you’re still capable of calling 911 or getting the AED.”

If Clark could have a trademark, it would include the notion of NOT standing statue still during an emergency!

“Someone can be a hero by even knowing where the first aid kit is and bringing it back. You are then a part of that rescue solution. If you stand by and don’t assist, that won’t do anything. I've always been about helping others and making sure people are safe.”

Meet Matt Long


A Musician with a Safety Mission

Meet one of our newest members on the Lechner team, Account Executive Matt Long! Long not only manages his current customer's safety programs, he also brings on new customers for us to service!

When he's not leading helpful first aid pitches, Matt leaves a strong performance with his superb vocal skills. So much so, that he created his very own dependent record label! His passion for both music and safety make Matt a unique member of our First Aid team. He was even an EMT before joining Lechner!

“I have always been a person who’s loved to help people. I was a former EMT! I was out in the streets helping people, so this is something I have a personal tie to. My experience from the clinical side of proper first aid supplies and techniques can truly help the person who’s injured. This has cultivated my unique perspective.”

08.24 - Matt and Steph

Matt also reveals how Lechner’s close knit environment is something that trail blazes his constant success & outlook! He discussed how the General Manager here at Lechner, Stephanie Clark, is someone who has always inspired his journey. Stephanie and Matt have worked together previously, in which he remarked,

“Stephanie and I make a great team, we bounce ideas off of each other. It’s a really good pairing, it makes coming to work easy. It doesn’t feel like just a job. It’s an event and everyday brings something new. I always look forward to coming in the door.”

Matt takes on the role as a supportive comrade to his fellow colleagues as well! He is always readily available to answer any questions. Being an open door and helping his team succeed is something he practices daily.

Lechner's family-owned oriented values have been transposed on the employees too! Matt spoke with such compassion and conviction when describing this genuine ambiance. He articulates how this aspect is fully manifested not only in the realm of the first aid team, but also in customer interactions as well!

"I'm not just a number, I’m not just receiving a check, but I’m really making a difference.”

Matt's day-to-day operations include following up on quotes and frequently visiting customers to ensure they're well taken care of! He makes it his mission to check in on those who especially don’t know too much about safety measures. He describes his job as feeling like the account executive version of “agent 007!”  

"I recently assisted a customer who didn't know the program ramifications of the AEDs. I went in depth on the Illinois codes and procedures and was able to help them mitigate their liability in the situation. They really appreciated it!"

With Matt’s expertise and vast knowledge, he emphasizes his favorite products at Lechner First Aid Supply as the AEDs and hemostatics! He described hemostatics as a bedrock to blocking gushing blood. As a former EMT, Long has personally seen this product saves lives and increase the chances of patient stability.

His earnest message to our Lechner customers is, 

“This industry is necessary, there’s injuries all the time! We can’t have people fearful of lending a helping hand. It starts with the right supplies, training, and knowledge.”

08.24 - It Starts with the Right Supplies
Meet Israel, Roy and Dell


This Dynamic Trio is the Splint of our Service Team!

Meet the “Three Musketeers” of Lechner's Service Team, Roy, Del, and Israel! While they've only been First Aid Service Specialists over the last 4 years, their passion for servicing customers has been an integral part of them throughout their entire career. Each member of this trio has been with the Lechner company for over 20 YEARS, working a majority of that time in the uniform division and seeing the Lechner brand evolve into what it is today!

DEL: When I first started at Lechner, we used to be on the North Side of Chicago!

ROY: The other building downtown was an experience because it was so small. There was only one door in the back. This was when we followed uniform routes.

ISRAEL: This place is a lot better because it's bigger!

ROY: When they built this building in Mount Prospect, I had one word, beautiful.

While they reminisce on their time with the uniform division fondly, their transition into the first aid division has them ecstatic and eager to learn all things safety...

ISRAEL: First aid is a lot different from the uniforms. It's been interesting to learn something new. We were so long on the uniform route, but now we’re in first aid. It’s great because we’re meeting more people and driving to different places we haven’t driven to. Everyday is interesting. 

ROY: We had to relearn one day at a time. 

DEL: It's been a total learning experience. After you come off the route with the uniforms all those years, it's kind of exciting! All the different products with the first aid kits, AEDs, and eyewashes. It's just...refreshing!

The three men have personally seen the first aid division evolve over the years, and are excited about they growth they've seen happen recently!

ROY: We didn't have flat rate cabinets when I first started! We used to charge per item only. So, it's definitely changed for the better.

DEL: Seeing the first aid department grow is something! After the pandemic at least, we've seen pretty good growth the last two years.

ROY: Stephanie just said July was our best month ever in sales! I contribute that to her. She's very persistent. That's what this department needs right now to keep growing.

As Service Specialists, their role consists of monthly onsite customer visits to replenish any first aid cabinets as well as inspect their AED and eyewash equipment. As they talk and reminisce about their experience, it's clear that their passion lies with keeping their customers safe and prepared!

ROY: There comes a peace of mind when we set up AEDs and eyewashes. Our customers don’t have to worry if something happens, because now they have the materials to help people. They should know that their employees are covered. If they get something in their eye, they’ll have an eyewash! Do you need an AED? You got one! All the bandages and medicines they need are in the cabinets too! 

ISRAEL: I told the customer that their AED had a check mark notification. That means there’s a battery error. He appreciated my service in fixing the situation. 

ROY: I like when we put together new installs. We set it up neatly, and we show them how to use the equipment. They’re always really appreciative. 

08.24 - Roy Peace of Mind

They even became honorary paramedics once! While servicing a customer, they put Lechner’s provided tools to action.

DEL: Remember when we installed cabinets with John, Roy? There was a contractor who was there and he cut his head! We helped him on the spot! He was bleeding a lot. John got the items out of the kit before we even mounted the cabinet! We used trauma pads and the eyewash. We were almost like an EMT team! 

ROY: The guy really appreciated it because he was injured pretty badly. 

DELL: He had to get stitches too!

ROY: We were right there at the right time. 

Lechner’s foundation as a company clearly endorses the philosophy of nurturing! All three delve into how Brian Lechner gave them an astounding opportunity by opening up his first aid division to them. 

08.24 - 110% effort Israel

ISRAEL: They treat us so well. We’ve been here more than 20 years. We must be doing something good!

DEL: It’s a family owned company. It’s not a big corporate place where you can be kicked out the door at any time. 

ISRAEL: The company has seen how hard we’ve worked and how long we’ve been here. They knew we’d put 110% effort in this position too. We’re very thankful for it. The first aid department has grown so much! As we progress down the line, I think it's possible for us to add another service too! This company is a great place to be, since there’s a lot of opportunity. 

ROY: When I first came to this department, it was nothing. But every step of the way we’ve made significant improvements.

Not only are they appreciative of all the opportunity Lechner has to offered them, they work hard everyday to earn it. The three of them agree that working together as a team and communicating is KEY to overcoming any challenges that may surface. When asked what leadership means to them, our Senior Service Specialist was quick to answer!

DEL: A leader is someone who’s out in front of things. You have to set an example by leading the way.

The common consensus that circulated among this group was that while working, they’ve come to realize that “rushing through life” is not included in their vocabulary. Walking into the workplace and dusting off all frenzies with ease, is nothing but inspiring!

08.24 - Del - A Leader Is

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