Meet Israel, Roy and Dell

Meet Our Service Specialists: Del, Roy & Israel Full Q&A

Q: What is your name & title?

D: Dell, Senior first aid representative. 

I: Israel, First aid. 

R: Roy, First aid. 

Q: How long have each of you worked here?

I: I’ve been here 23 years. 

D: I started in 2003. It has been 21 years since March.

R: As of January 21st I’ll have 25 glorious years at Lechner!

Q: And in that time that you’ve spent at Lechner, how have you seen it change?

D: Well, a major change from when I first started at Lechner, we used to be on the North Side of Chicago.

R: The other building downtown was an experience because it was so small. There was only one door in the back. But, this was when we followed uniform routes. 

I: This place is a lot better because it's bigger. 

R: Yeah, much better. 

D: There was no employee parking lot. You had to park in the neighborhoods, so sometimes you’d be 2,3,4 blocks away. 

R: When they built this building in Mount Prospect, I had one word, beautiful. Especially for me because I live in Bensenville. My time going back and forth to work was a lot better. 

I: When we were at the previous city location, I lived only a block away! But, overall it's better here. 

R: At this location, we have the capability to load inside and outside. Everything is much better. 

Q: What would you say defines leadership?

D: A leader is someone who’s out in front of things. You have to set an example by leading the way.

Q: Do you feel like we have good leadership here at Lechner?

D: Yes! Since Stephanie’s arrived, she’s really been hands on. She’s super involved. 

Q: Why are each of you passionate about working in safety?

I: It’s a lot different from the uniforms. It's been interesting to learn something new. We were so long on the route, but now we’re in first aid. It’s great because we’re meeting more people and driving to different places we haven’t driven to. Everyday is interesting. 

R: We had to relearn one day at a time. 

D: The best thought to walk away with is supplying customers with first aid for the cabinets. We also service AEDs and eyewash stations. Those are important things in case there's a real emergency out on the road. Not to mention the customers locations, it's a sense of accomplishing first aid and safety at the same time. 

R: Our customers are truly great, every one of them. They’re really nice people. They make our job easy and enjoyable every month when we service them.

08.24 - Roy Our Customers

Q: You guys have been here since the first aid division was created right? Other than you, Israel.

R: No, I came in two years after.  I came in during COVID, when everything was a hassle. 

D: I was a year later. Well, not a year but 6 months.

Q: How much have you seen the first aid division grow & expand in the 4 years you’ve been here?

D: Oh, big time! 

R: When I first came in, pricing was set up much differently. We didn’t have flat rate cabinets at that point! We used to charge per item only. So, it's definitely changed for the better. 

Q: Is there a specific memory you had while working in first aid that resonated with you?

I: I got in here 4 months ago. It’s a lot different from the uniforms because we went every week for those. Now, this is once a month or sometimes every other month. It’s not easy to recognize where everything is at. It’s a bit of a challenge, but once you get used to it, you already know.

R: Del, you’ve been here longer than us, what’s your best memory?

D: The first time I was out in Scot Forge and seeing that molten metal. They pound it with those huge presses, you know? It’s just interesting to see stuff like that. That was probably the most impressive.

I: When I went to these uniform stops, I started to learn about other industries by asking questions. A customer told me once, “We do parts for tanks and helicopters.” All of it is so interesting! We even service places that make guns parts too.

Q: What are the most vital takeaways that enlightened your first aid experience?

D: To get along with people. 

R: You’re working with customers everyday. A first time customer was pretty surprised to see us! He said, “How’d you get in?” And we told him, “We rang the front doorbell.” Getting to know the customers is something I like and communication is essential. 

I: At first, we didn’t know their company rules. If we do something wrong, they’ll tell us, “This is the process to come in here.” So we learn and do it with no problem. We even put that in our delivery notes, so we always know their process. 

You guys are expert relationship builders!

D: Exactly! 

R: We had experience from the uniform routes. We know how to talk to customers and we fit right into first aid. We only go once a month instead of once a week. 

Q: What makes each of you a unique team member?

R: I work hard everyday.

I: I do the best I can. We get through the day with team work. I do what I can to assist the team and company. That’s what I do. 

D: Like these guys said, we work as a team. We communicate together and that’s all I could ask for. 

Q: What do each of you enjoy most about your job?

I: I have a new van now which is nice! I like meeting new customers and driving to different places. Now I sometimes drive out to the countryside. It’s a nice view, compared to what I’m used to.

D: Yeah it's been a total learning experience. After you come off the route with the uniforms all those years. It’s kind of exciting. All the different products with the first aid kits, AEDs, and eyewashes. It's just…refreshing!

Q: What makes the Lechner company standout?

I: They treat us so well. We’ve been here more than 20 years. We must be doing something good!

D: It’s a family owned company. It’s not a big corporate place where you can be kicked out the door at any time. 

I: We do our job the best that we can like we always do. Get the customers happy with the products. It’s a good company to work for.

Q: What are some achievements that made you feel rewarded?

R: That I’ve been here for 25 years. And another 17 at a different company. That applies to Del too. If we add up our years we get… what? 82? Israel’s only about 8 years behind us.

D: Yeah, 82 years.

R: Most people nowadays don’t have the same job for about… 4 months! So, it’s an accomplishment that I was able to keep working and to go through everything I’ve gone through. I raised 2 daughters, I sent them both to college. I even have 6 grandchildren. 

Q: How would you describe your fellow first aid colleagues?

D: Friendly. We got a certain camaraderie. Plus, seeing this first aid department grow is something! After the pandemic at least we’ve seen pretty good growth the last two years. 

R: Stephanie just said July was our best month ever in sales! 


R: But, I contribute that to her. She’s very persistent. That’s what this department needs right now to keep growing. 

Q: What does a typical work day look like for you?

D: I come in with the thought of accomplishing something new everyday. That’s what I try to do. And to help these guys out in any way that I can. 

08.24 - Del - Accomplishing Something New
08.24 - Helpful Stuff

Q: What are your favorite Lechner First Aid Supply products?

R: Pain relievers. Everybody needs a pain reliever, such as ibuprofen and creams. We even have cold spray too!

I: Everything helps out. When we go to these places, we know they use this stuff all the time. The bandages, creams, sprays. These are helpful to the customers. 

D: I’m glad we have the AEDs in case I need it. Hopefully I don’t, but it's a great reassurance.

R: I can do the AED on you if you ever need it!

Q: What does the overview of your work history look like?

R: I worked really hard. I’m glad to give my body a break after all these years.  The men who service the uniforms work so hard. We’re fortunate now to have air conditioning in our vans. Coming from their side, I understand completely what they go through. First aid is more relaxing. 

I: There’s a big difference with the uniforms. I’ve been doing the uniform business for over 28 years. I worked at another company for the majority of the time, but I’ve been in first aid for 4 months. It’s a big change, but it's been great.

R: We always make sure to have everything updated for our first aid customers! They greatly appreciate it!

D: The hard work has been rewarding. I appreciate Brian Lechner for the first aid division and for the time that we were on the routes. Roy and I have only had 2 jobs total in the last 41 years.

R: I feel so fortunate to have Del. We’ve worked together at both our last job, and at Lechner. 

Q: In your freetime, what hobbies do you like?

R: I watch football on Sundays. I hang out with my Boston terrier Archy too! My wife and I enjoy his company now that our kids live on their own. 

I: In the summertime I like working on my car. I enjoy being outside as well. 

D: I enjoy watching golf and football. 

R: 2 years ago, all of us put together a fantasy football team which was pretty fun too!

Q: What are some guidance pointers you have for your fellow colleagues?

R: To take one day at a time because tomorrow is not guaranteed. Live your life in the best way possible! 

D: Don’t try to rush through life, always try to learn something new! It keeps your mind going! 

I: We have to make the company and customers thrive with first aid! 

R: Every year the first aid department goes uphill. I feel good that I’m a part of it.

Q: Tell us about a situation when a customer was delighted with your service?

I: I told the customer that their AED had a check mark notification. That means there’s a battery error. He appreciated my service in fixing the situation. 

R: I like when we put together new installs. We set it up neatly, and we show them how to use the equipment. They’re always really appreciative. 

D: Remember when we installed units with John, Roy? There was a contractor who was there and he cut his head! We helped him on the spot! He was bleeding a lot. John got the items out of the kit before we even mounted the cabinet! We used trauma pads and the eyewash. We were almost like an EMS team! 

R: The guy really appreciated it because he was injured pretty badly. 

D: He had to get stitches too!

R: We were right there at the right time. 

Q: How do you overcome challenges at work?

R: I work through them no matter what.

I: We do our best and take care of the situation either the same day or the next day. 

R: It’s best to make sure that when challenges or mistakes do arise, they shouldn’t happen again.  

Q: What would you like customers to know about the Lechner First Aid Supply service?

R: There comes a peace of mind when we set up AEDs and eyewashes. Our customers don’t have to worry if something happens, because now they have the materials to help people. They should know that their employees are covered. If they get something in their eye, they’ll have an eyewash! Do you need an AED? You got one! All the bandages and medicines they need are in the cabinets too! 

Q: Can you revisit a time when Lechner displayed your skills or expertise?

D: I’m a conscientious person and I’ve carried that with me. That’s one of my strong suits. I feel like the company really recognizes that.

I: The company has seen how hard we’ve worked and how long we’ve been here. They knew we’d put 110% effort in this position too. We’re very thankful for it. The first aid department has grown so much! As we progress down the line, I think it's possible for us to add another service too! This company is a great place to be, since there’s a lot of opportunity. 

R: When I first came to this department, it was nothing. But every step of the way we’ve made significant improvements.


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