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Employee Winter Safety! Preserve Healthy Work Habits in Cold Climates!

The Midwestern region is well known for its frigid winter months. Your employees aren’t naturally built for bitter winds or frostbite like an abominable snowman! Help[ your employees stay safe this winter! Lechner’s uniforms, apparel, supplies, & first aid have the agency to fight the freeze!

Wintry First Aid Must-Haves

The Lechner First Aid Supply cabinets contain ibuprofen! This medication takes about 30 minutes for noticeable effects. Fevers, headaches, & inflammation won’t end up chronic with this tonic!    

What if your employees have a tiresome sore throat on the job? The chilly breeze creates quite an obstacle! High Lakes Healthcare states, “Cold air can dry out the tissue in the throat and can cause severe irritation.” 

This could affect communication between employees! What if your employees are doing laborious outdoor work for hours? Imagine how fragile these dainty layers of tissue are? 

BUT office employees can suffer from the cold too! Winter is inclined to have weather advisories! Just think about those unavoidable, brutal polar vortexes! Walking to and from the parking lot is enough time to have illnesses latch!

Don’t have workers who can hardly speak during meetings!


The frustrating pain and hoarse vocal quality are terrible when the two mingle! Our cough drops in our kits & cabinets will give you a coated resurgence! All your shooting pains can be slain!

Did you know? According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, “The common cold can be derived from over 200 viruses?” That’s over 200 possibilities of being miserable at work…. 

Just unhinge the door to a Lechner first aid cabinet! Come and soothe all of your issues! Our cabinets even contain cough & cold relief!

CAUTION! A cold can reform into… clogged up sinuses! Harness Lechner’s sinus decongestant so mucus doesn’t dwell in the lungs! 

Were you aware thataccording to J&J  Medtech, “Sinusitis affects approximately 13% of the adult U.S. population.”

TRUST US… It can be a nauseating thought of having an expensive cabinet refill overkill… 



The Lechner First Aid Supply division will have your budgeting rebound! Our service is essentially a major discount!

Your employees could have what they need at their fingertips! Lechner reloads your products and dissolves alarming medication quality!     

Consider this…

Construction or auto workers can develop illnesses out on the pavement!

Auto mechanic garages require excessive opening and shutting after each vehicle has had maintenance. Even if there are garage heating systems during the winter, the cold blistering air finds where to slither in!

The hot packs in our first aid kits can neutralize muscle cramps from horrid cold sensations!

The British Heart Foundation indicates that despite being unusual, blood clots are still possible from the cold! The site explains, “Cold weather can also cause your blood to get thicker and stickier, which in rare cases can lead to blood clots. This can increase your risk of a heart attack or stroke.”

Hypothermia is also a serious matter, where a person suffers from shaking & convulsions from grievous bodily heat loss! 

Avoid the drama with Lechner First Aid Supply’s thermal blankets! Don’t be fooled by its lightweight silver material! These blankets terminate the shivers and insulate the user.

OSHA notifies readers that, “Our bodies are typically at the average temperature of 98.6°F. Anything 95°F and below, is considered hypothermia territory.” 

So, watch out for physical hyperdrive! Your employees can’t be heat deprived!

As We Forge Ahead...

Read on to devise a proactive plan! Don't let the ice hammer you!

Let’s NOT advance down the ‘slippery slope’ of frostbite!

Signs of Frostbite According to OSHA

OSHA says that frostbite goes through three recognizable phases! Identify & rectify your symptoms! The various shades your skin will go through, suggests how close your employees are from potentially losing limbs! 

  • Redness Stage: At the start of frostbite, you’ll start to notice redness forming around protruding body parts such as the tips of your fingers, ears, toes, or nose. If left untreated, it can very well spread. Numbness & a “pinchy” sensation begin. Seek medical attention.
  • Whitened Bumps Stage: These are described to look like white patches that can even create blisters! The numbness in this stage worsens! If it starts getting gray, you’re on the verge to the next phase! Seek medical attention.
  • Black & Blue Stage: This is a highly severe case of frostbite. At this point, frost has penetrated profoundly way beyond the first epidermis layer of skin. Seek emergency attention ASAP! Your tissues 

What Should Your Employees Do to Not Deep-Freeze?

OSHA states on the “Winter Cold Stress” page that, “In the case of frostbite, you have to quickly wrap the area with a dry cloth. NO kneading the skin for warmth! It could break off and cause impairment if it's extreme. Heat pads shouldn’t be used in this scenario either, as this worsens the frostbite state.”

Don’t be the Frost’s Pawn! STOP Flaunting the Frost’s Hues!

OSHA says that besides these haunting hues, workers need to inhibit another wintry risk…. 

Cold stress is an umbrella term for extreme coldness reactions to the body. It refers to its several extensions such as frostbite & hypothermia. Tackle it and shield your employees with Lechner garments! 

Lechner will dress your employees properly before they become puzzled from polar weather. (Delirium is an extreme freezing side effect!)

OSHA’sWinter Weather Preparedness” page also mentions, “Blood circulation can be cut off by tight fitting clothing in cold environments, make sure to avoid this. Layers are especially important as well.”

Did You Know? Lechner’s Uniform Division has Several Outer Garment Selections for your Workers?

We service and track garments such as work jackets, industrial jackets, vests, and more! Rent this dependable & toasty sequence now!

You won’t be a winter layer breaker with Lechner! We’ll have your employees suited up and not skewed from OSHA compliance! 

Sweatpants are offered in our direct purchase catalog as an extra layer! We even have cozy fleece beanies for delicate ear protection! 

The icy chill won’t make you lose body heat now! Head uphill with Lechner’s hat & garment customization options! Embroider your company logo today! Your employees will not only be warm, but sporting company swag!

Mats are YOUR Sleet & Snow Hack!

Employees from all occupations are always in a hurry! Have your indoor facilities, offices, & plants trapping snow flurries!

The Lechner mat service won’t add to your winter woes! The slush that treks into buildings and warehouses is a mess! When snow converts into liquid, the dried up dirt remains smear everywhere! 

Did you know? A study from the American Society for Microbiology states, “Researchers found 21 bacteria species in just 2% of hailstorm ice!” 

Therefore, our boots and shoes can definitely pave a worse route to infection! The snow is a workplace no-go! Lechner can imprint mat logos as a part of our service!

Let’s Talk Setbacks WITHOUT Mats

Slips, trips, & falls are especially prone during the winter months. Generally speaking, the National Safety Council states, “In 2022, 865 workers died in falls, and hundreds of thousands were required to take time off of work.”

AND be on the lookout for black ice too! What if your workers are carrying huge & bulky loads? The ice does not empathize! The added force can be even more detrimental, leading to torn muscles or tendons!

When it comes to slips, the ice has the leverage! It diverts steadiness and sways the individual uncontrollably at any age!

Confront Slips with Reputable Mats!

Lechner Services has our mats NSFI certified! Employees, employers, & customers will have their feet gripped down! Leaves and snow won’t steer you to the ground in disbelief! 

The NSFI website indicates, “Falls account for over 8 million hospital emergency room visits, representing the leading cause of visits (21.3%). Slips and falls account for over 1 million visits, or 12% of total falls.” 

The Lechner assessed mats will save your employees from retracing deadly steps! AND expensive ER visits could be bypassed! 

Do you really want to redo the flooring of your ENTIRE facility? All of that square footage is long term financing! 

Be mindful! It's inevitable for your floors to deteriorate without protection! Anticipate scuffs, water damage, scratches, mold, & buckling!

Microfiber Mop Swoop with Minor Exertion!

Our mops grind all scum so even dust isn't undermined! 

Lechner can grant your company a mighty miracle this year! Microfiber mops! These soft bristles outshine all of the most rigid sludge! 

Command your service account at your desktop! View where the mops are at! Our customers can direct every footstep toward better floors, supplies, & lives! 

Contact us for your seasonal materials

Wrap up Winter Workplace Weaknesses with Lechner!

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